Jargar Violin E String
The E string on the violin is a double edged sword. It is the source of both our sweetest, but also our screechiest, moments. Although most E strings are made of steel, they are certainly not created equal. Thomastick-Infeld Dominant Strings are a workhorse set, but the E string is famous for being the weak link. What most of us look for in a great E string is a round, robust, strong but not shrill, sweet but not soft sound, that carries in a hall and sings in the practice room.
While the Pirastro Gold Label is also a solid choice, the Jargar E has a certain magical quality. Its sweet ring and depth of sound are a joy to hear under the ear.
Retailing around $5-6 dollars, this is not an expensive item but it is often back ordered, so be prepared to try several stores in order to locate one that has this string in stock.
Rating: 5 Stars